March 05, 2011

Now shit's gettin' serious

....with colorless pictures!
I enjoy drawing in grey shades lately. So here we go with some Wip's =)

After watching the russian war movie "9 rota" (The ninth company) I had to draw this...
Not yet to be recognizable but it's gonna be military drama romance!

Some Ellis from Left4Dead2. Guys, we have to play soon again ;_;!!

And this post wouldn't be complete with at least one sad face emo picture!

But somehow it reminds me more of


  1. What, military drama romance? Why wasn't I informed of that.

  2. Ich hab den Film noch gar nicht gesehen. Ist der gut? Das erste Bild is so.. wow!*__* Stell ich mir gleich in Farbe vor. Zu der Military Drama hast du ja schon ein Paar Bilder gezeichnet. Da bin ich gespannt darauf, wenn's zum Comic wird.

  3. Your style is becoming more realistic and I think it's great ^_^ Keep it up!
    I like the sad one. His eyes are looking at me and at the same time telling me: Hug me! I'm tragic T_T

  4. You call these awesome pic WIPS? T_T
    i like all of them, especially the first one!

  5. Ohhh I like *__* I like very much. Du packst ganz schön viel Emotionen in die Gesichter, wunderhübsch!

  6. @cas
    still trying to develop characters..xD!

    aw okha <3! Also ich fand den Film net schlecht musst sogar etwas weinen ;_;! Und der Comic ist noch ein wenig in den Kinderschuhen. Im Moment eher noch Kopfkino!

    Thank you so much ki! I'm really happy to hear, that it became more realistic ;_;! And yeah..he wants to be hugged haha XD!!

    @type your name
    they are still not finished ;_; but thank you so much, I'm happy that you like it! I still adore all of your art ;_; <3

    wenn ich mal genauso viel emotion in die restliche körpersprache legen könnte, dann ist es perfekt XD! haha danke dir ;_; ich maaaag gesichter malen so sehr ;_;

  7. Damn, du bist so verdammt gut!!! *v*
